Tool Tip: Quicker Blood Clotting
// Cool Tools
When I accidentally removed about 5mm of my forefinger, ice, pressure, and an intermittent tourniquet didn't stop the bleeding. I called a doctor friend, who told me to pour hydrogen peroxide on it — because, "it is well documented that hydrogen peroxide induces blood clotting when you have a wound that is oozing rapidly."
Many online sources claim that hydrogen peroxide "destroys tissue." However, this post from Quora makes a persuasive case for using it. And it is widely used in dentistry.
The process takes a couple of minutes, and during that time, you must continue to pour on more hydrogen peroxide. As oxygen is released from the decomposition of the hydrogen peroxide, the blood thickens more rapidly, and the flow stops.
But does it "destroy tissue"? It is an irritant, but the 3% concentration sold at pharmacies seems unlikely to be harmful. See the Quora source above. Caveat: I am not a physician. I just saw how it worked for me.
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